
Hello, it’s me, Stacey

This is the bit where you talk about yourself, but you see, I am kinda not good at that. I feel so awkward whenever the camera is on me, which is why I 110% prefer to be behind it and not in front of it. Now that makes my life a little tricky, but it will hopefully work out really well for you.

I have wanted to be a photographer since I was 10 and used my Christmas money for my first 35mm film camera. It just clicked for me ( A little camera pun there for you) I was pretty rubbish at drawing and painting so photography quickly became my passion and means of storytelling. I have since built on that and have developed skills in marketing and design which only helps with the way I communicate what I do.

And that is literally how & why I got into photography and design.

Locket Creations: how it all began


Locket Creations started out as Locket Photography, in 2011. When I set up Locket Photography, I was still working in my full-time job and after years of working in banking and telecommunications, I decided it was time to pursue my passion (and put my degree into use!).

It was daunting, especially as I knew all about running a business (thanks Mum and Dad), but the actual doing part takes a lot of work. I started out doing what most photographers do - which is a lot of family portraits and casual gigs photographing events.

After a few years, I started doing a lot of work for corporate clients, and I noticed a bit of a trend: they were organising professional photographs, and they only had fresh images until they were all used up. The world of Social Media was constantly changing but becoming more important by the day so I tried to think of a solution, that solution was monthly subscriptions for photography, design work & content specifically for Social Media.

And that’s where the idea of Locket Creations came from.

I am a social media tragic. There, I said it. It’s no secret I’m addicted to Pinterest (follow me @LocketCreations). I’m a sucker for a good meme on Facebook, and don’t even get me started on Instagram Stories and Reels.

Recognising a gap in the market, I decided to provide a few new services to my corporate clients. In addition to taking their photographs, I also offered to create and schedule their social media content, design, and websites. Starting with a handful of clients, I slowly created products that help business owners gain back precious time, time they could use to build their business, rather than worrying about building their social media profile and design. And it means I get to do what I do best whilst watching their business evolve right in front of my eyes and in turn their online presence and confidence.

In 2020, I achieved a huge professional milestone - I welcomed some contractors to the Locket Creations team! So now Locket Creations has specialists that I work with to make sure you are getting the best. I am no longer a solo artist, and together we create content that is not only creative and a bit tongue-in-cheek, but is also delivering results to my clients.

The faces of Locket Creations

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Stacey Tyzzer

Owner, Director, Photography & Visuals

The brains behind Locket Creations. Stacey has a Bachelor of AVI
(a fancy word for someone who has extensively studied photography and visual imaging), and has over 15 years of photographic experience. She has worked in fashion and editorial, portrait photography, architecture, events, birth’s, product’s, and her favourite - food photography. In relation to the latter, she has photographed two internationally selling cookbooks: The Sweet Life, and The Corleone Family Cookbook. Her other loves include: husband Dane, dogs Saki, she’s the matriarch, Chase & Rufus. Coffee is the other love of her life, unfortunately her sleep patterns don’t like it anymore so tea it is, travel is also pretty high on the list.

Like what you see? Get in touch and find out how we can boost your business.